Proverbs 16:24

"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24

December 23, 2011

starting the festivities

1. I AM NOT IN THE MOOD...I live in *almost* Canada...and there is no snow!? I am officially a believer in global warming. Haha, ok, not really...but seriously, this momma is wantin' some snow!

2. Check out my baby...

3. I am so excited for people to open the gifts we picked out for them this year. Actually, my parents just came back from their Christmas present vacation, which was a night at the Ellery House Bed and Breakfast in Duluth, MN. They said it was amazing, and I am so glad; they deserved some time away!

4. My family rocks. I have the greatest husband, the sweetest son, and the cutest (screamy-est) daughter and its awesome!

5. As tradition would have it, our family starts out our Christmas celebration by opening one gift on Christmas Eve evening and it is always pajamas. Always. Super cute, cozy, often funny jammies. And we wear them. We all go put them on immediately and stay in them until we each individually decide that we are motivated enough to change our clothes, usually not until after two in the afternoon on Christmas or so. The other Christmas Eve thing we do is hide an almond in the Cream of Wheat. Cream of Wheat is always our C.E. meal. Whoever has the almond in their bowl gets the privilege and responsibility of passing out the remaining gifts on Christmas morning.

6. I would love it if you all share one of your favorite family traditions around the Christmas holiday!

1 comment:

  1. mom always makes dough boys... not good for you but oh so yummy!
    dad Always makes us wait til christmas to open our presents.
